Sao Paulo is still dreaming of a clean river. Or no?!
April 30, 2009

Dreaming of a prettier river

Sao Paulo has two main rivers crossing the entire city:
Rio Pinheiros and Rio Tiete.
I have being dreaming since I was a little girl for the day I will see live fish and nature in those rivers. For about 20 years, five different governors passed and billions of dollars including foreign capital have been spend in revitalization projects. Not much has changed. It is so ashamed that our governors spent 20 years of our tax money, (by they way we pay after England one of the highest taxes in the world) promising a clean and safe river for the population of Sao Paulo.
Paulistas urge more green areas and improvement of eco environment-healthy life style since the living in the concrete jungle is harsh and full of social-political problem.
Lately the powerful Globo TV channel (we call Globo the fourth power in Brazil) have started to show interested with the river situation and even helped financially to build an expensive cool design architecture bridge (Ponte Staiada) located at the marginal freeway behind the studios. It probably looks good and hides the river in the background of the news.
Globo TV is pressing the governor and the population using it is own media to do something urgent about the Sao Paulo River conditions. I actually despise Globo, however I think this is a good cause and subject of my interest as well.
By train, I stroll near Pinheiros river couple of times per week to go to my classes in a financial district. It is very unpleasant to smell and see all the dirty around the river. It is also absurd watch the insane reality in the third world and just accepts. There is favela near rich neighbors, and now near supper luxury condominium in construction.
For a small price of 3 million, the apt comes with a privileged view of a polluted river and just one elevator to premises of the new Cidade Jardim Luxury Mall. Welcome to our reality!